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Exceptional Faculty Award nominations are open until February 28, 2025.

Want to support this great program and help us recognize even more faculty members each year? Designate the Exceptional Faculty Awards endowment in your gift!

Established in 1997, Exceptional Faculty Awards (EFA) recognize outstanding faculty, both full- and part-time, at both SCC and SFCC.  Any faculty member, including librarians and counselors, administrator, exempt staff member, classified staff member, or student can submit a nomination.

Initially funded by the Foundation with matching dollars from the Washington State Legislature, generous support from STCU added an additional $100,000 to the EFA endowment, which allowed us to grant more awards each year! Typically, ten exceptional faculty members are recognized each year with a $1,000 honorarium.

For more information, contact the Foundation at 509-434-5123.


Exceptional Faculty Nomination Form
