INHERENT POTENTIALFirst and foremost, we believe in the inherent worth and potential of all people – even those who do not yet fully believe in themselves.
SELF-REALIZATIONWe believe everyone deserves an education. When students are ready to take a chance, they will find the encouragement, support, and means to discover, nurture, and realize their full potential.
EQUITY AND ACCESSWhile all people have equal worth, not all have ample access to the resources they need to reach their potential. We are committed to providing the personalized support our students need to pursue their goals and aspirations.
PERSEVERANCEWe believe in the power of education. When we encounter an obstacle or barrier to a student’s success, we assemble a team to overcome it. We are dedicated and don’t give up.
BUILDING COMMUNITYWhen we invest in students, they transform and are able to provide meaningful contributions to their communities. In turn, vibrant communities are able to invest in more students.