Jim Fitzgerald is the Community Colleges of Spokane Athletics Director! What CCS Foundation program or scholarship do you support and why? Athletics. As the CCS Athletic Director, I believe it is important to not only support our student athletes through action and leadership, but also through monetary giving.
Why do you choose to donate to the Foundation? CCS and the Foundation are in the “human development” business. We change lives and the Foundation creates opportunities for all students, not just a few. Higher education and the CCS Foundation are important vehicles in developing future leaders.
Fun Fact: What is something people don’t know about you? In my former life, I worked for the Seattle Mariners and, on a road trip, I told our bus driver who was driving the team to the airport to leave Safeco Field so we could catch our plane to Texas. However, our manager, Lou Piniella, was still in his office ... so we left him by mistake. Luckily, he made it to the airport and got on our plane on time and I didn’t get fired. That is like leaving Chancellor Brockbank…that should never happen!!!
2/7/2024 9:16:41 AM
Leah Welki
CCS Donor Spotlight News