The CCS Foundation is pleased to announce our partnership with the Coordinated Care Community Scholarship initiative. This initiative focuses on removing barriers to care and addressing local workforce shortages in healthcare. The Coordinated Care Community Giving Scholarship, funded last year, supports Spokane Falls Community College students seeking a career in healthcare. Six students were awarded 2-year scholarships that were created to support them throughout their education at SFCC. James Rankin, one recipient who is studying integrated community services, said: “I would like to offer my complete appreciation and gratitude for your time and commitment, your contributions are truly invaluable to the greater community. This scholarship will help me focus on my studies in Integrated Behavioral Health.” “It is an honor and a blast being able to educate myself with the help of wonderful people like yourselves,” Alex VanOrden, another awardee, studying addition studies, said. “For me, being able to defy the odds and overcome adversity is something I could not have done alone. With the help of you and many like you, guys like me and gals, are able to give back to the community which we cherish.” The Coordinated Care team even came to do a campus tour with Foundation staff members! Coordinated Care provides free and low-cost health insurance coverage to members across Washington state. The organization strives to transform the health and well-being of Washingtonians and their community giving program is focused on investing in communities and partner projects that truly impact the health of Washington communities. Want to get updates like these to your inbox? Sign up for our e-newsletter! Want to support our students? Give now and help us make potential possible.
10/13/2023 11:10:53 AM
Leah Welki
Donor Spotlight News Scholarship